Security Policy
Trust Center

Your data is protected at every step
Never reads code
Read-only access
Data encryption
SOC 2 compliant
We’re here to help as you get set up. Get in touch with our team if you have questions.
Contact usOur Git integrations only collect metadata about your organization’s activity. We never read, transmit, or store source code. Some of the APIs we request permission to access include:
- Repository contents (includes commits), pull requests, and issues
- Organization members and projects
After the initial sync, our app subscribes to ongoing webhook events to provide you with real-time data. Some examples of the events that we subscribe to include:
- Push
- Pull request
- Pull request review
- Pull request comment
- Release
You can learn more about the data we collect in our documentation.
We never read, transmit, or store source code.
Sensitive data, such as branch names and pull request titles, are always encrypted.
We request only the necessary permissions to analyze Git metadata. Please note that we never read, transmit, or store source code. You can learn more about the permissions we request for each Git integration in our documentation. uses email addresses or usernames of software developers within the connected SCM tool to allow users of to identify developers within groups or teams. This data is always transmitted over encrypted channels and encrypted when stored.
Send us an email at if you have any additional questions.
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