Active code time is time spent actively editing code in your editor or IDE. It captures periods of focus and flow and is a subset of code time.
Active code time is measured in intervals. An interval begins when you start editing code and ends if you allow more than 10 minutes to elapse without making any code changes. If you are inactive for more than 10 minutes, the interval will end at your last minute of activity.
Events that count toward your active code time activity include adding or deleting a character, adding or deleting a line, and copying and pasting code. Navigating code (such as with your arrow keys or browsing files in the file tree) do not count toward active code time.
For example, let's say you’re writing code, but pause to think about your next line of code. Perhaps you have to jump to the definition of another method in your codebase. If you return to writing code within the 10-minute timeout, the entire time elapsed will count toward your active code time.
Activities outside your editor will also count toward your active code time, as long as they fall within the 10-minute buffer. If you were to leave your editor for more less than 10 minutes to research examples on Stack Overflow, for instance, that would also count toward your active code time.
90-day rolling averages
Developers are responsible for a variety of non-coding tasks at work, such as meetings, code reviews, and project planning. As a result, most developers don’t code every day.
To better understand how much time you spend coding during a typical day, your 90-day rolling average includes days when you did not spend time coding. For example, if you coded for several hours on Monday, but had long meetings on Tuesday and were not able to code, both days would be included in your 90-day average.
For new accounts, if you have less than 90 days of data, we start calculating your rolling average beginning when you first send code time data.